Monday, July 12, 2010

I'm Going Off The Grid ...

I'm off to frolic in the woods
with my cute young women.

While I love to frolic,
and I love to pretend I am still a young woman ...

I do not enjoy the woods.
I don't like bugs, dirt, or outhouses.

But I know the fun will outweigh
my distaste for the great outdoors.

Pray for me.


melimba said...

you'll be in the prayer rotation at the wood house.

consider yourself protected. hA!

good luck! hope it's great!

Pammerscush said...

Oh Mel!! WHenever I need a pick me up, I just need to read your blog!! Hope you are doing well!! (and that you survive the Great Outdoors!)

A.R. said...

Miss - um, did you survive? Did you do a tick check? I just watched this episode of House where this girl gets a horrid infection and of course, almost dies, from a tick. Anyway. Tick check. Hope you made it back in time for a great long nap today! And hope to talk to you soon! Listen friend, we need to figure out when and where we will meet up when I am out there. Please let it be a lot. I'm fairly certain I'll have at least 3 meltdowns, but I promise to try to be fun friend instead of bummer friend. :)