Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I Cannot Imagine ...

Oprah is almost over!
I have been watching these last few shows,
and have begun to get a little sad.

The other day she interviewed President Obama and the First Lady.
The First Lady said that what she really missed
was being able to go and walk around Target.

I suddenly felt horrible for her!
How could you live without a nice calming jaunt around

Now I know she chose to live her life in the public,
but she OBVIOUSLY did not
think about leaving the beloved Target behind!

Target is always a cure all.
It is a nice get away to go and slowly walk
around the store and admire all the cute merchandise.
I always find those things that
and I always leave with a lot more than
I planned on.

Dear Michelle,

I am really sad for you that you had to break up with Target.
But seriously ...
you have a lot of power.
I bet you could get them to keep the store open for you one night.
Do it!
You totally deserve it.


A Fellow Target Junkie

1 comment:

emily snyder said...

i LOVE you!!
amen she could get them to open the store for her. and if she went somewhere like Greenville whatever Kentucky where the walmart is open, they just might not recognize her!

i miss you.
a lot.

ps jen christopherson might come out in the fall - let's have you come together!!