Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dear Mom and Natalie,

I found something that is going to bring back tender memories.

Here are your clues:

(before she married a preacher and became a homeschool mom)
Rudy Huxtable
(before "Polly")
the Gummy Bears and the Snorks
Punky and Cherry
that creepy cousin from "The Brady Bunch"
pretending to be a rock star

Have you guessed yet?

It also contains a song that 26 years later
I still sing at least once a week.

We watched it until the VHS broke.

(My song is on the 2nd one at about 6:23.)

I'm wearing my hair like Blair tomorrow in honor!

You are welcome in advance.


Danna said...

My kids are all pumped for Saturday Morning! What a let down when I told them it won't be on!! Ha Ha!! I'd like to see a picture of your hair today! :)

Unknown said...

But where are you going to find that much glitter?

Mrs.C said...

OH....MY.....GOSH! You must have watched that show a million times!!!!!! It's disturbing that I can still remember the dialogue AND the facial expressions that "Rudy" makes! AND after watching I now know where J.J. Abrahms got his idea for LOST!