Friday, April 25, 2008

One of My Favorite Times of the Year...

That's right people. It's something I look forward to every year... it's time for "Where In The World Is Matt Lauer?".  I love it! Not only do I love it because Matt Lauer is my boyfriend, but also because he takes us to amazing places! I always find somewhere new to put on my list of Places to See Before I Die (like Dubrovnik, Croatia!) So the anticipation begins... Where is he going to go? What amazing things is he going to show us? What presents is he going to bring back for Meredith, Ann, and Al? 

He said adieu this morning. He even hugged Lenny goodbye! So set your tivos people. Next week is going to be good.

1 comment:

Rebecca Woolston said...

Melissa! I didn't know you had a blog! Ok so I was watching the Today show on friday and they showed clips of him with Laura Bush- it was awesome and I thought of how much I love him too. So thank you for your post. and ps the link to my blog doesn't work because you put becca burytella- it kinda of sounds like the coocabira bird and then you also put blogapot- which still sounds awesome, but alas. it is