Thursday, August 28, 2008

I am hoarse ...

from screaming like a 12 year old girl at the Boyz II Men concert!

They were amazing! I was worried that they were going to be old and not the same Boyz I have always loved, but they still got it! I loved their tribute to Motown and all there great dance moves! SO GOOD!

It helped me to relive the sadness of my "best friend"  from middle school Stacy (not her real name, but want to keep her anonymity just in case she stalks my blog) inviting then uninviting me to the Boyz concert when we were in 7th grade. I was so sad because I would sit in my room and sing "End of the Road" to the cute boy Richard (his actual name ... and if he is stalking my blog he needs to call me!) who rode my bus. I have never truly gotten over it, so it was nice to finally see them tonight.

There is something very therapeutic in singing "End of the Road" at the top of your lungs.

And a note to the creepy Italian guy behind me who kept singing in my ear very loudly and very out of tune. When the Boyz sang "I'll Make Love To You" and sang the line about taking off clothes, they didn't mean you. And I (and everyone around me) would have appreciated it if you would have kept yours on. And no I don't want you to give me a back rub creepo!

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