Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I Have Been A Slacker Blogger Lately ...

because every spare moment I have had
(which hasn't been a lot)
has been spent checking in with
Joey, Pacey, Dawson, and Jen.

Last night I finally finished the entire series. 
And now I pledge to my friends to quit talking about it,
referencing it in everyday life,
and comparing myself to it.

(But before that pledge begins,
can I just say that it was 
the BEST series finale ever,
I was sobbing,
but I was left feeling that the story was completed perfectly,
and there were no unanswered questions.
I love when you know what happens to all the characters you have grown to love.
And way to go Pacey!)

And now the pledge begins,
and my lips are sealed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Melissa, this is your mom's crazy friend, Pam. I stalk your blog and it makes my day! You are hilarious. I also LOVE Dawson's Creek. I didn't start watching it until a few years ago, and I haven't seen an episode in a long time, but it was amazing. I seriously have a crush on Pacey.