Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Yellow Smiley Face Gives Me a Migraine

I hate Wal-Mart! I think it smells, it is dirty and disorgnized and it reeks! I had to go there yesterday and the whole time I was there I just kept thinking how much I hate it and how much it smells! I swear I need to shower and air out my nostrils after being in there for 5 minutes. It makes me want to swim in a vat of Purell and huff an entire can of Febreeze. There are always weird people and it smells like old fried chicken and nastiness. I really do not like it.

Target ... I'm sorry. I'll never cheat on you again.


Daddyo said...

You sure couldn't tell you were raised in a double wide
I hope you like Home depo.

The Pratts said...

I hear you sister! I am NOT a fan of Walmart, it is everything you described and more. Plus I hate to get on any type of soap box, but I really do like to support businesses that don't rule the world! That being said, I do venture in when necessary, but I always prefer Target if the item I need is there, no matter what the price difference!

Anonymous said...

Uck! Just looking at a Walmart gives me hives! Promise me you'll never do that again!