Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Apology to Dustin the Target Check Out Guy ...

Today was a hard day.
By the time I left work I was feeling VERY overwhelmed with many circumstances in my life ...
and started sobbing uncontrollably.

I had to run to Target before heading home.

I sat in the parking lot for a few minutes trying to control the tears and to get a grip on my life.
Surely I could control the tears and frustration long enough to run into Target for toothpaste and shaving cream.

I made it through the store and into the line...

Only to meet Dustin ...

the nice, sweet check out kid.
(who looked a lot like the above photo)

Dustin asked me how my day was ...
and I lost it.
Yep, that is right.
I started sobbing right there in the express lane.
Poor Dustin didn't know what to do with himself.

I mumbled out an apology as I quickly signed my credit card slip.

Poor kid, 
I'm pretty sure I cured him of ever asking anyone about their day ever again.

I apologize for blubbering in your lane.

I hope you had a better day than I.


Kristin said...

Sorry to laugh but that was so funny. I wish I could've seen Dustin's face! Haha. Hope you're in better spirits now and have a better day tomorrow.

Unknown said...

Aw, sweet little Dustin. Target is where I go on purpose on the bad days. I get me a Dr. Pepper and stroll around, sigh! I'm relaxed just typing that!

melimba said...

dear Melissa, I hate crappy days. I'm sorry that yesterday was that way for you.
dear Dustin, you poor boy. :)

just kidding.

lots of love to you!!!
p.s. i'm coming out in april. you are NUMERO UNO on my list of people to see. we're having a birthday for matilda. you are SOOO invited. okay. good. thanks.
love to you.

p.p.s. it was AWESOME hearing your voice!!!

Trina said...

Sorry you had a bad day. Even on your bad days, your blog still cheers me up! You have a gift :-) I hope you have a better day.

emily snyder said...

but, the beauty of that awful day was that you MADE MY DAY because i got to see you!!!

Unknown said...

awww that sucks. you can always call me if youre sad!! call my cell.